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10 Important SEO Factors for Better Rankings

When an existing or potential client looks up your business online, the first thing they should find is your website. However, if your site is hard to find, or it doesn’t rank at all on the first page of Google search results, your company’s credibility won’t seem so great.

So if you’re setting up a new website this year, or you already have one that is not performing well, there are some basic SEO factors to take into consideration. SEOPressor has some great advice that will help your site rank high in search results.

1. Make Your Site Crawlable

Two factors positively affect the crawlability of your site. The first is having a site map, which tells Google’s spiders what individual pages your website contains. (Plus it helps users to easily navigate your site.)

The second crawlability factor according to Web Chimpy is your domain and subdomain names. If possible, your main / home page URL should contain SEO-friendly words. This might be difficult if your business name doesn’t contain any relevant keywords. But in this case, your subdomain(s) can help you. So if you have a blog post page with content that’s relevant to the audience, ensure that the URL has one or two important keywords.

2. Pay Attention to your URL

Your website’s ranking is also affected by your URL; if it contains one or more relevant keywords, you have a better chance of appearing higher in results. These keywords should appear in the correct order, be separated by a hyphen [-] and appear earlier in the URL.  The URL itself should be as short as possible.

3. Think Keywords

Keywords are the actual key to SEO, and you should try to include them in all elements of a page. If you are looking for SEO services, click here.

  • The title should be relevant to the content and contain relevant keywords (preferably at the start of the title).
  • Make sure you use https://seotoolscentre.com/plagiarism-changer
  • Include them in your main body of content, but avoid keyword spamming by using the following keyword density formula (aim for less than 5%):

          (Number of keywords / Total word count of text) x 100 = Keyword density (%)

  • You can also use LSI keywords, which are words/terms that are related or synonymous to your main keywords.
  • Keyword-optimize your images by editing the ALT text, image title, caption and description.

4. Prioritize Your Content

The content on your site is undoubtedly one of the most important SEO factors. One common example is a blog post. Whenever you create and publish content, remember the following:

– The headline/title should be relevant to the main body of text, and should be no longer than 70 characters.
– Google crawlers favor longer pieces of content, so write up informative, engaging text.
– Content should ideally be original and of high quality.
– Publish content often and regularly.

5. Post with Pictures

Images are not just there to make your content look more appealing to readers. A good number of visuals per post will help to increase the relevancy of a search result. Ensure that every piece of content has at least one accompanying image.

6. Link Internally

Miami SEO says it always helps when people link to your content from their site, but internal links are also useful. These help users and search engines to navigate your website, and also drive traffic to your other pages/content. So, whenever relevant, include a fair amount of internal links anchored to an appropriate word or short phrase.

7. Optimize the Meta Description for CTR

Meta descriptions influence the click-through rate from the search results page; this affects how you are ranked. Write one that represents/summarizes your site perfectly, using relevant keywords while keeping it under 160 characters.

8. Speed Up Your Site

The slower your website loads, the worse your ranking will be. All web visitors love fast sites, so speed yours up (should load within seconds). Tools like PageSpeed Insights will help analyze your site’s speed performance as well as tell you how to make it load faster.

9. Consider the User Experience

Always, always think about your site’s visitors. Enhance their experience by making it easier for them to navigate your individual pages as well as the website as a whole. Do this with headings; formatting such as bold, italic or underline; and short paragraphs as well as simple & clear language.

10. Get Social

Have Presence can’t stress this last SEO factor enough! Social signals have a major impact on your ranking; the more people “like” and share your content, the more chance you have of being ranked higher in results.

This is why you need to set up social sharing buttons on your site—preferably on every page. According to this popular SEO service in Sydney, not only will this bring you more traffic, but it increases the chances of your content going viral.

What SEO factors do you recommend paying attention to?

15 thoughts on “10 Important SEO Factors for Better Rankings”

    1. Isabelle Anne Abraham

      Thanks Nikolay! Credit goes to SEOPressor, though, for their great tips.
      Excellent question about LSI keywords – and one that I don’t really have the answer to. I don’t think their importance will go away anytime soon (check this out: http://seopressor.com/learn-seopressor/lsi-keywords-and-keyword-density/), but this could change later as Google refines its search algorithms.
      I see your specialty is SEO – so would love to know your thoughts on LSI keywords?

  1. Pingback: 4 Easy SEO Tips to Implement Right Now

  2. While creating a new website, or handling one there are some SEO factors which you will need to consider. First and foremost, you will need to make your site crawlable. Your URL also has an impact on the website’s ranking. Try to keep the URL as short as you can.

  3. Pingback: How to Make Your Site More Crawlable

  4. The SEO information is really Awesome and very useful for me. The way you have explained the Seo factors for better Ranking is really great. Thanks for sharing this Informative information. By following this steps even the website traffic will also increase.

  5. Hiya, so what’s the advice after:
    – We’ve implemented this.
    – We’ve waited it out for a couple of months.
    – The rankings are not there yet.

    1. Isabelle Anne Abraham

      Hi Bryn,
      Thanks for trying out the tips and sharing your experience. Remember that these are basic recommendations that, while important, won’t guarantee the ranking you want. We have recently published another post about making your site more crawlable, which I encourage you to check out: https://havepresence.com/make-site-crawlable. I see on your website that you are an SEO specialist; what, in your professional experience, leads to better rankings?

  6. Indeed insightful article Isabelle. SEO is considered an important tool in today’s internet marketing campaign and those tips you have provided in the above article are really doable and could provide results. Implementing successful SEO could bring you positive ROI but you have to be patient still! Thanks for sharing such article!

    1. Isabelle Anne Abraham

      Afraid not Finn! (I’m not too familiar with WP’s inner workings.) However, I do know that images affect WP sites – so make sure the size is optimized, favor JPEG over PNG, etc. Also, embed videos instead of uploading them to your site.

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